Deirdre at 2015 OCBA Beach Cleanup Day

Deirdre with The Honorable Charles Margines presenting the 2015 OCWLA Judge of the Year Award to The Honorable Josephine L. Staton, US District Court, Central District

Deirdre with The Honorable Charles Margines presenting the 2015 OCWLA Judge of the Year Award to The Honorable Josephine L. Staton, US District Court, Central District

Deirdre with husband Howard Privette and Micheal Penn at OCWLA 's 40th Annual Gala

Deirdre presenting the 2015 OCWLA Attorney of the Year Award to Karen “Kerry” Polyakov, Assistant General Counsel at Home Depot

Deirdre with OCBA President Ashleigh Aitken and Marcus McCutcheon at an OCBA event

James Cheydleur, Pamela Davidson and Deirdre
at an OCWLA event

Deirdre and the 2015 OCWLA Board with Hon. Glenda Sanders at the annual OCWLA Swearing In Ceremony

Deirdre speaking at OCWLA Holiday Celebration

Deidre and Laura Hess presenting Hon. Kathleen O'Leary funding for the Public Law Center from the OCWLA

Please join these leaders of the Orange County legal community in supporting Deirdre Kelly for OCBA Secretary: