Deirdre at 2015 OCBA Beach Cleanup Day
Deirdre with The Honorable Charles Margines presenting the 2015 OCWLA Judge of the Year Award to The Honorable Josephine L. Staton, US District Court, Central District
Deirdre with The Honorable Charles Margines presenting the 2015 OCWLA Judge of the Year Award to The Honorable Josephine L. Staton, US District Court, Central District
Deirdre with husband Howard Privette and Micheal Penn at OCWLA 's 40th Annual Gala
Deirdre presenting the 2015 OCWLA Attorney of the Year Award to Karen “Kerry” Polyakov, Assistant General Counsel at Home Depot
Deirdre with OCBA President Ashleigh Aitken and Marcus McCutcheon at an OCBA event
James Cheydleur, Pamela Davidson and Deirdre
at an OCWLA event
Deirdre and the 2015 OCWLA Board with Hon. Glenda Sanders at the annual OCWLA Swearing In Ceremony
Deirdre speaking at OCWLA Holiday Celebration
Deidre and Laura Hess presenting Hon. Kathleen O'Leary funding for the Public Law Center from the OCWLA
Please join these leaders of the Orange County legal community in supporting Deirdre Kelly for OCBA Secretary:
- Joseph Chairez (Past President, OCBA, Hispanic Bar and Celtic Bar)
- Ed Connor (OCBA Past President, OCBA Charitable Fund Past President, Past Chair Public Law Center Board )
- Robert Gerard (Past President, OCBA)
- Wayne Gross (Past President, OCBA)
- John Hueston (Past President, OCBA)
- Jennifer Keller (Past President, OCBA)
- Tom Malcolm (Past OCBA President, Past President Federal Bar, Past President ABTL, Past Chair OCBA Business Litigation Section, OCBA Franklin G. West Award Winner)
- Gary Pohlson (Past President, OCBA)
- Lei Lei Wang Ekvall (Past President, OCBA)
- Dean Zipser (OCBA Past President, ABTL Past President, Past Chair OCBA Masters Division)
- Darren Aitken (Past OCBA Board member, Past President ABTL, Celtic Bar, Constitutional Rights Foundation, and Hispanic Bar)
- Larisa Dinsmoor (OCBA Board member)
- Michael Gregg (OCBA Board member, Co-Founding board member of Thurgood Marshall Bar Association)
- Mona Hanna (OCBA Board member)
- John Hurlbut (Past OCBA Board Member, Past OCBA Charitable Fund Board Member, OCBA Masters Division Board Member, ABTL Past Board Member, Past President Orange County Bar Foundation, OCBA Franklin G. West Award winner, OCBA Harmon G. Scoville Award winner)
- Mark Minyard (Past OCBA Board member, Board member OCBA Masters Division, Past President Orange County Bar Foundation)
- Don Morrow (Past OCBA Board member, Founding President OC ABTL, Past President Orange County Bar Foundation)
- Sarah Nowles (OCBA Board member, Past YLD Chair, OC Women Lawyers Board Member)
- Bill O'Hare (Past OCBA Board Member, Past Chair OCBA Business Litigation Section, Past OCBA Masters Division Board Member, Past President Orange County Bar Foundation)
- Mayte Santacruz (OCBA Board member, Past President Hispanic Bar)
- Javier Rivera-Carbone (Past OCBA Board member)
- Stuart Jasper (Past OCBA Board member)
- Panteha Abdollahi (President-Elect Federal Bar, Past President Iranian American Bar)
- Mory Ahmadi (President OC Iranian American Bar)
- Wylie Aitken (OCBA Franklin G. West Award winner)
- Steve Allison (Office Chair, Crowell & Moring and Board Chair, Orange County United Way)
- Rose Amezcua-Moll
- Mona Amini (Board member Iranian American Bar)
- Lindsey Aragon (Chair OCBA Mommy Esq. Committee)
- Michael Balmadges
- Case Barnett
- Lani Baron
- John Beckley (OCBA Charitable Fund Board Member)
- Steve Berry
- Kimberley Bick
- Keri Bush
- Matt Buttacavoli (President of Italian American Lawyers of OC)
- Dan Callahan (Past Chair the OCBA's Business Litigation Section)
- Jim Carter (Board member ABTL, Past Chair OCBA Labor & Employment Section)
- Kim Chase (Past Chair Orange County Coalition for Diversity in the Law)
- Scott Cooper (Past President OC Trial Lawyers)
- Kate Corrigan (Past President Federal Bar and OCBA Criminal Defense Bar Association)
- Mani Dabiri (Past President Iranian American Bar)
- Glenn Dassoff
- Doug Davidson
- Anna Davis (Co-Chair OCBA Pro Bono Committee)
- Eric Dominguez (Vice President Hispanic Bar)
- Matt Easton
- Michael Ellison (Past Board Member Celtic Bar, Past Chair OCBA Pro Bono Committee)
- Mark Erickson (Past President ABTL, Board member OC Bar Foundation and Public Law Center)
- Mark Finkelstein (Treasurer, ABTL)
- Tracy Forbath (Board member OC Women Lawyers)
- Betty Fracisco (Past President OC Women Lawyers)
- Paul Gale (Chair OCBA's Masters Division)
- John Gibson (Board member Constitutional Rights Foundation)
- Erin Giglia (Founder, Montage Legal Group)
- Dan Glassman (Board member OCBA Charitable Fund, Past Board member Constitutional Rights Foundation)
- Richard Grabowski (Board Member Constitutional Rights Foundation)
- Alan Greenberg (Board member ABTL, Past Chair OCBA Judiciary Committee)
- Andra Greene (Past President Federal Bar, Past Chair OCBA Masters Division)
- Kashif Haque (Chair OCBA Labor & Employment Section)
- Colin Hendricks (YLD Board Member)
- Laura Hess (Past President OC Women Lawyers)
- Matt Hodel (Past Board member Constitutional Rights Foundation, Past Chair OCBA Judiciary Committee)
- Michael Hood
- Michael Hornak (Past OC Bar Foundation President, Past Managing Partner of Rutan & Tucker)
- Michele Johnson (President ABTL, PLC Board Member)
- Colin Kelly (Coastkeepers)
- Misty Perry Issaacson (Board member OC Women Lawyers)
- Casey R. Johnson (President Lavender Bar, Past President OC Trial Lawyers)
- Michael Katz
- Abbas Kazerouni (Past President Iranian-American Bar)
- Jane Kearl (Past Board member OC Women Lawyers)
- Karla Kraft (Board member ABTL)
- Lisa LaFourcade (Board member Public Law Center)
- Sam Lam
- Ben Lin (President OCAABA)
- Stephen McNamara (Chair OCBA Business Litigation Section)
- Darlynn Morgan (Past Chair OCBA Mommy Esq. Committee)
- Andrew Nelson (Chair OCBA's Entertainment, Sports, and Marketing Section)
- Tom Newmeyer (founding partner, Newmeyer & Dillion)
- Van Nguyen (Past President Asian-American Bar)
- Sean O'Connor (Past President ABTL, Past Board member Federal Bar)
- Amy Patton (Chair Elect OCBA Labor & Employment Section)
- Michael Penn (Past President Celtic Bar, Past Chair OCBA Young Lawyers Division)
- MIchelle Philo (YLD Chair Elect, OC Women Lawyers Board Member, Whittier Law School Alumni Association President)
- Tom Prenovost (Past President Celtic Bar)
- Jeffrey Reeves (Past President ABTL, Federal Bar, and Constitutional Rights Foundation)
- Dan Robinson (Board Member OC Bar Foundation and OCBA Charitable Fund)
- Laurie Rowen (Founder Montage Legal Group)
- Daniel Sasse (Past President Federal Bar Association, Board Member ABTL)
- Carol Salmacia (Chair Elect OCBA Tort and Trial Section)
- Doug Schaaf (Past Chair OCBA Tax Section)
- Bill Simpson (Past Chair OCBA Business Law Section)
- Adina Stowell (President Constitutional Rights Foundation, Board member ABTL)
- Ed Susolik
- Allyson Thompson (President-Elect OC Women Lawyers)
- Mei Tsang (Chair OCBA Intellectual Property Section, Board member OCBA Charitable Fund)
- Joe Urisic (Board member Lavender Bar and Whittier Law School Alumni Association)
- Donald Wagner (California State Assemblyman)
- Scott Well (Past President Celtic Bar)
- Chris Wesierski (OC Bar Foundation President, ABOTA Past President, OCBA Masters Division Board Member)
- Leigh Ann White (Managing Partner, Carothers, DiSante & Freudenberger)
- Meredith Williams (Board member OCBA Young Lawyers Division)
- Joseph Wilson (Chair OCBA Tax Section)
- Christina Zabat-Fran (Chair-Elect OCBA Corporate Counsel Section)
- Carol Zaist (Board member OC Women Lawyers)